BTA001 - Legionari Shield - rectangular (20)
BTA002 - Legionari Shield II - rounded rectangular (20)
BTA003 - Praetorian Shield - oval (20)
BTA004 - Auxiliari Shield - Flat oval (20)
BTA005 - Auxiliari Cavalry Shield - Small Oval (20)
BTA006 - Auxiliari Cavalry Shield II - Small Hex (20)
BTA007 - Pilums mixed (20)
BTA009 - Skirmish Round Bases (20)
BTA010 - Horse Bases (10)
BTA011 - Small Square Bases (20mm) (25)
BTA012 - Large Square Bases (25mm) (20)
BTA014 - Display Round Bases (12)
BTA092 - Zulu Shields (20)
BTA093 - Zulu Spears (20)
BTA094 - Zulu Muskets (20)
CG101 - Heroes of the Colosseum (3)
CG102 - Slave Champions (3)
CG103 - Circus Warriors (3)
CG104 - Gladiator Champions of the Arena (3)
CG105 - Nero's Finest (3)
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